Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I think I must be having a flashback to my dispatching days. Here it is 3 AM and I am still wide awake. I was hoping that once I got the new mattress I would sleep better, but I guess that is not the case. I have a good friend in New Mexico who dispatched for 30+ years, retired in 2006 and is just now starting to sleep normally - most of the time!
I painted the second coat today on the living room wall that we use for accent to make the room look larger. Feels like I accomplished something good. After I scrub the floor behind the sofa, we will push it back where it belongs and I can work on the ceiling. I want to try and get as much of the painting done as I can before the hot weather gets here.
Steve is putting together a bog garden on the screened porch for me. I have never had one before. I have always grown my plants in dirt so this will be a new experience. We may even have a few goldfish in it. There is a small pond in the front courtyard of the house and I found a rather large goldfish in there. It is hard to get a look at it as it hides whenever it sees a shadow. Thinks I am a big bird and it doesn't want to be dinner..........

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